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Sian Lane

Senior Nurse Lead

National Collaborative Commissioning Unit

Unit 1, Charnwood Court, Billingsley Road, Parc Nantgarw, Cardiff, CF15 7QZ

About Me

Senior Nurse Lead

Sian was appointed in the role of Senior Improvement Manager for Quality and Delivery Frameworks for the EDQDF programme in 2019. Sian has since progressed into the position of Clinical Lead Nurse in November 2020, joining the National Programme for Unscheduled Care team.

Sian has a background in nursing for emergency care both on land and at sea spanning back to 2004. Sian later joined the Welsh Ambulance Service (WAST) as a Nurse Advisor, and due to the skills and background obtained, she went on to develop WAST’s Clinical Support Desk (CSD). As the single manager for the CSD, this role involved leading the team through the implementation and development of the clinical response model and providing direct line management for this multi-disciplinary team. As a result of this role Sian has an extensive background of working nationally, across organisational boundaries; and leading transformational change. 

Sian’s role involves using her background and skills to support the National Programme for Unscheduled Care in redesigning access to emergency care. Leading and collaborating with front line clinicians to agree care standards, measurements and a model of care.

Key Projects:

  • Welsh Access Model
  • 111/Contact First Implementation